Wednesday, 30 June 2010

True chocolate "Cup cake"

Yes- it's true... it really is a cake in a real cup...well mug but all the same. I came across this recipe and was fascinated with it- mainly cause there is only one mug to wash up afterwards :D Very simple to make and your cake will be ready when your tea is.

4 tbsp plain flour
4 tbsp sugar
10 gms chocolate (approx 4 pieces from a chocolate slab) or 2 tbsp cocoa powder
3 tbsp milk
3 tbsp sunflower oil
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
Large coffee mug


1. Put the chocolate pieces in the mug and put in the microwave on high for about a minute in instalments of 15 sec each. Ensure that its fully melted.
2. Put in the flour and sugar and mix well. (If using cocoa powder, add all 3 dry ingredients and mix well)
3. Add the egg and mix well
4. Pour in the milk, oil and essence and mix thoroughly.
5. Place in the microwave on high to 2.5-3 mins.
6. The cake will rise out of the mug but this is expected. Don't be alarmed.
7. Cool for a few minutes, Turn it over onto a plate and eat when still warm.

For a cake made in 5 mins, it's just plain awesome. I tried a healthier version of this cake. Read the next blog for details :)

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